Tuesday, 30 December 2008
38 Degree Weather?
Honestly, I was expecting 38 degree weather to be a bit more extreme, but I'm not complaining :)
Anyway, I have yet again found ANOTHER joy in life! My tip to people will be, if you are really eager to try something, just go for it. For about a year, I have been wanting to use that boogieboard given to me from 'Uncle Sam' when he left for adelaide but have never had the guts to try because of the fear of looking like a total fool. Well, when you are wearing a rashy and holding a boogieboard under your arm, you look AWESOME! You must see me :D I joke. But it is surprisingly easy and surprisingly fun! But we must remember, it is surprisingly tiring too. Especially when the waves turn HELL random. But serious, whoever has a board... PLEASE COME TO THE BEACH WITH ME! I'm going again on new years day!
That reminds me... what should I do tomorrow? Happy New Years with who?
That is a mystery :)
Over and Out
Monday, 29 December 2008
As if delete my Enter Sandman video!
Don't give me this BULLSHIT about copyright issues.
You can shove it up your ASS!
I was having such a good day too. I slept the whole day, now I am TOTALLY awake.
Anyway... a friend really likes the photos I took yesterday, and they asked me to follow them to shoot models! I hope they are serious, because if they are, I'm quite excited :)
Again, last night I was up till about 3am watching "Whose Line is it Anyway?" on youtube, man it is such a good show, but everyone has to go to sleep some time. Anyway, as I was turning off my computer, I saw some weird strange object running across the floor. I froze for a minute, thinking, what could it be? and then it continued crawling to my dog's bed. I honestly couldn't tell if it was an insect of a lizard, because it definately looked like a lizard and moved like a lizard, but it had those two spiney things that come out from the butt and it didn't have scales. It was NOT a cockroach, because it had FOUR legs! I ended up getting a fly swat, because I wasn't sure if bug spray would kill it, and swatted it :) It was still twitching, and it seemed to have claws. That serously freaked me out. It had like black crap coming from it's ass. I seriously didnt know what the hell it was. So I left it there for the person who wakes up first to figure out what it was and then I went to sleep :) I was contemplating whether I should take a photo, but comon, it was 3am in the morning!
Today, I told my mum that it was me who killed the 'monster' and she started telling me off! LOL! She said it was a cricket, but I insisted that it was a monster.
I win!
Adios Amigos
Nightlife of Perth
Going out and taking some snapshots has been proven to be beneficial to me. I am able to experience photography at night!
Here is my best picture of the night, in my opinion. If anyone is up for a road trip, count me in :)

Sunday, 28 December 2008
Saturday Night at Home

This maybe took 10 tries :) SO APPRECIATE IT!
Thursday, 25 December 2008
25th December 2008
It has been a year ALREADY!
My Verdict
Pancake is good!
Turkey is good!
Ham is good!
Chicken is good!
Sausage is good!
Vegetable is good!
As if give me mayonaise instead of coleslaw!
I KNOW my potato salad is AWESOME!, if it was made with coleslaw!
Question... Has anyone received a present that they REALLY wished they didn't get?
Adios Amigos
Wednesday, 24 December 2008
Christmas Time
Came back from a long day, which started off with dim sum! Oriental Inn, a GREAT place to eat... *shifty eyes* if you dont get it, I think you need a lesson in sarcasm.
Half the day I was at church. Playing random stuff on the piano for an hour before everyone came back. It put my brother to sleep :) thats how good I am :) BAHAHA! Mass was fine, it was just hilarious when Joe saw me when I was standing and we just started smiling. I think I was extremely happy that the people who I invited to come, ACTUALLY came! Keep in mind, I was occupied the whole mass and was not able to host them! (I'm such a bad host aren't I?)
Anyway, the 9pm mass, Fr George said something extremely interesting. He told a story about a man who found pigeons that kept bumping into the window because they were in search for shelter during a really snowy day. He wanted to help the pigeons, so he tried to lure them with food, but they didn't follow the food, they still kept bumping into the window. The man then tried to scare the birds into the garage. He scared the birds by running around and waving his arms, but the birds scattered in different directions. Then the man said to himself
Then, he thought to himself,
You can figure ;)
Actually, it took me 20mins to write this post, I want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas, and hope everyone stays safe of the season :)
Please tell me what you received for Christmas :) I'm pretty curious aye... :)
over and out
Kimochi Baby
White people are so cool :) they are friendly and polite :)
So strange at work today, the Christmas spirit just hit me randomly. I think it was because, everyone that received their TER score scored very good! Congratulations to Noelle! I won't post what she got, but she should be VERY proud of herself :)
Anyway, kimochi baby, my whole body is aching... IT'S GOOD! Moving my arms is a pain but it's good! :)
Anyway, who was up for dinner at Tony Romas? I was! The ribs there are extreme! Exquisite! There was a lot of kimochi everywhere there :) Green beans are the best! I should really take a picture of it!
We booked bowling for 7:30pm but ended up reaching there at 8:00pm. We are very efficient at arriving on time :) I totally fail at bowling, but I make sure I have a dam good time! Who seriously gets a gutter ball TWICE?!?! I reckon my cousin was the best! Getting 137 points (if my memory serves me correctly).
Good seeing Ming and Kevin Koo again! :) They always make me smile like a mofo.
So, who is up for some singstar? ;)
Adios Amigos
Monday, 22 December 2008
3 Days Before Christmas
It's good to see people are happy, people are welcoming.
After Christmas, New Years comes along, and it is where everyone makes their New Year Resolution. I always end up forgetting mine. But I will most probably post what my Resolution is, just for the sake of me trying to remember :)
Please do comment your New Year's Resolution :) It will be interesting to see what yours are :)
My 2am Blog
Christmas is literally a few days away and I'm not REALLY into the spirit. I'm happy and all but where is that hype? Mind you, Christmas is a great time!
I can tell you right now, talking to me when it is past midnight, you can get a lot of sh*t out of me. Honestly, I think this is the ONLY time I give time to myself, besides in the shower :] (I love that place)
Sitting on the computer, talking to friends; friends who actually give back... This is when you start thinking about things you wouldn't normally think about.
Hehe, thanks Dim... even though I know 100%, that you are not reading this post!
Anyway, I haven't actually been able to use my camera to it's full potential! One thing I would like to try this year is...
Modelling shots of friends! I know that sounds pretty weird, but I just think it would be fun and it would also be giving back something to my friends :)
My main concern is, my friends feeling uncomfortable with me with a camera. So anyone who is reading this have any suggestions, it would be much appriciated :)
over and out
Sunday, 14 December 2008
Just like mangomuncha, 2am blogging is a time where you sit on the computer, thinking about things that have happened to you recently. 2am time seems to be one of the few places where I actually get time for myself, with my dad snoring in front of the TV and the dogs are fast asleep, it is a great time to go through things that would normally take up too much time during the day. You would expect more to be done in 24 hours but it goes relatively fast.
The reason why I havent updated for such a long time is, it wasn't such a GREAT time to write about things, and I did not have much inspiration. But it has come to my attention that there is no REAL need for inspiration when it comes to writing blogs. It is up to you to write something that is meaningful to yourself and just go with the flow.
Anyway, now is a good time to reflect upon 2008. It was a year where friends were made, and friends were lost, where things were achieved and things were left undone. Things happened to me where I never expected to happen. Also, what else was learnt was, everyday is a gift, and should be treasured. I know that this is a very cliched saying, but life is fragile and can be taken away extremely easily. I might re-cap on what happened during 2008 in a later post.
Anyway, Friday was my sister's birthday, and Saturday was my uncle's birthday. Who would have known I could eat so much ice-cream cake! It was to a point where I was starting to not like ice-cream! But I believe it was the iceing.
Anyway, I have realised that these holidays so far have been just as hectic as the uni semester. Produce a video for Noelle, who is sadly leaving Perth FOREVER because she doesn't like it here (I joke), help out with A.S.I.A business, which I am quite disappointed in, also preparing for the festive season. Great times, which are meant to be filled with laughter and happiness. Yes, much of it is laughter and happiness, but there's just something that isn't right about it. Something is missing, and no, it is not a girl, as some may think, but something else that I just can't put my finger on.
We'll see what happens during the next few weeks and I'll try to keep myself updated :)
On a lighter note, part of producing a farewell video is to actually show people the video! I do not take full credit for this, only partial :) Please tell me what you think about it, either here or on the youtube page itself.
Adios Amigos
Friday, 1 August 2008
My World Youth Day Experience
It started off on Sunday night where we arrived at the airport. Went into the computerised check in point just to find out that MY NAME WASN'T THERE! At this point I was still calm because I was told to manually check in and it work :) Then I had to check in my bass and it had to go through a drug screening thing o.O Why though? Me? Hold drugs? I don't think so.
Anyway, went upstairs to find out our flight was delayed 30 mins? That was alright. So we were waiting and waiting, then BAM! It was delayed again. I actually fell asleep for 20 mins in the airport and then woke up. After I learnt to play this awesome game. It is very much like a verbal snap. It is quite intense but I'm too lazy to explain it here. Our plane got delayed again but luckily it didn't get delayed any longer. All up, we were waiting for our plane for 2 hours extra. I couldn't believe our plane was a Jumbo! I didn't care that I was sitting the furthest back >.<
Left to right: Some guy in PJ pants at the airport, Photo of the coach, Sydney Airport sign
Anyway, this is about Sydney not the flight. Arrived in Sydney and got driven to our destination. I actually slept most of the trip but that isn't important. We stayed a primary school called St. Michaels. They couldn't have catered for us any better! We stayed in a demountable and it was room 8! We had a piano and it was our change room! For people who were part of the catachesis animation team, we had practice, for the rest of them, they went site seeing! Well that night, we were welcomed by a HUGE dinner prepared by the community, which I think was very kind of them. Everyone was so friendly and not afraid to talk to us. At the dinner, I met these American twins. I was amazed because they were AMERICAN! My first taste of the international people at WYD! After dinner, we found out wat our showers were. They were wooden boxes with shower heads. Luckily they had a gas heating system in it. 3 people were able to fit in at the same time! LOL! So we showered and went to our rooms. More happened but long story made short, we went to sleep.
It was now 6.45am Sydney time, which is 4.45am Perth time, and we were woken up to be told about the fire drill. I think a lot of people were cranky. Anyway, after breakfast, went along with Dan, Christine, my sister and some other various people to Darling Harbour. I admit we were pretty random to some other pilgrims. We would be hell friendly and keep asking them for a picture if they had a flag.
Darling Harbour
Americans we saw
Multiculturalism :)
Pretty cool Americans I met, unfortunately I can't remember their names
I think everyone was feeling the same way we did, which was, Oh my gosh! So many international people. We HAVE to talk to them! It was my first time seeing SO many people from all over the world. After talking and stuff, I decided to visit my awesome cousin with my sister, Barry, Alvin and Nick. Met up with her, and we went to a steakhouse with $7 steak! Went inside, and found out it was a scam! You were required to buy a drink. I was hell cheap and about a lemon lime bitters. After our meal, my sister was stressing a lot, worried about not making it to the opening mass on time. I kept reassuring her that I walk hell fast and we would make it on time but she just walked off to make her own way to Barangaroo. I said bye, and did my pilgrimage walk to Barangaroo :) I was totally alone! I took a train from Town Hall to a station called Wynyard, with a few hundred other people. For some reason, I wasn't scared one bit!

Navigate through this!
I have no idea why I wasn't scared, maybe it was because I was so amazed by the whole thing. People around me were just singing and dancing, I couldn't help but to join in! It is hard to explain what it was like. Try to imagine water, but each water drop was a person, and the water was going down a hill. Think of that but slow it down by about 100. Eventually I arrived at the entrance and saw my sister waiting there. My gosh, it took me about one and a half hours to get from the train station to Barangaroo!
At Barangaroo, I met up with my brother an the others. We went to a different section where we made settlement! Me and Adrian were standing around, when two American girls bumped into us. They apologised and we actually started to have a conversation! I was surprised, they actually wanted to talk to us! Their names were Megan and Hope! We talked about hell random stuff as if we had known each other for YEARS!
Megan, Hope, Me and Adrian
I was still amazed by the number of people there. It was like everywhere you looked were people! The mass began and I was REALLY impressed how it was done. Kevin Rudd spoke and the Cardinal of Sydney celebrated the mass. So World Youth Day official started and everyone was celebrating. On stage, various things happened. Guy Sebastian and Paulini were on stage and at the end, These tap dancing dudes came on and started tap dancing. I wasn't THAT impressed but then they jumped down from the stage to the first level (there were two levels) and they put on these things over their faces. We were all wondering what was happening. Suddenly sparks shot out in every direction! They were sparking to the beat! I was stunned. I thought that was the greatest thing I had ever seen!
Anyway, that was pretty much the first official day of World Youth Day
to be continued...
Tuesday, 29 July 2008
Give me a J, J, You got your J, You got your J...
I shall tell you guys about my WYD experience later when I have the patience :)
Saturday, 12 July 2008
Friday, 11 July 2008
Another Friday, Another Ordinary Day at Work
A bird flew into work today. It was funny.
Anyway, farewell for two weeks as I will be leaving Perth :)
My dogs can dream, I wonder what they dream about. Random...
Tuesday, 8 July 2008
Also I learnt this awesome cup beat :) it's good fun :) it goes, *tap tap tap tap tap tap tap* something like that. Just joking. It goes like this :)
Hanging out with Char was the most fun I had in a long time. She is like an older sister to me >.<
We hide from cameras
Anyway, sadly she has left already, but more fun emerged! It is what some call A.S.I.A Camp! Sorry to say, what happens at A.S.I.A Camp stays at A.S.I.A Camp :) But it was a LOT of fun. Feel jealous if you weren't there.
Recovered from A.S.I.A Camp already and another challenge has arisen. WORLD YOUTH DAY! I know Sydney people are against it >.<>
Oh also Amanda's birthday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY AMANDA!
see if they work.
Valentinos, then Metros. I have come to conclusion I will not go to Metros anymore. I was bum sexed by a stupid fat, smell, sweaty man! Also people like Vivienne go underaged clubbing. Shameful LOL!
Anyway, this blog is over, I have lost the plot.
Sunday, 15 June 2008
Saturday, 31 May 2008
Insomnia yet again
Oh I also got burnt for the first time yesterday :) TWICE! Now my arm looks like there's another mole, not like I don't have enough, but the other one is on the joint of my finger, and i looks like a blister. Surprisingly they still kinda hurt if you touch them :S Yes, I do weird stuff to myself. Haha.

After scavenging some more, we came across the jelly section :)

This thing looks totally retarded! Meh can't be bothered explaining why this made us laugh, try to figure it out yourself. Let the oriental shop with these drinks, which LOOKED nice, but was a bit of a disappointment.
I can honestly say, FOBS are quite disturbing. I actually said something REALLY mean, but I won't say it again because I might get a lot of hate messages from FOBS, not like I know many FOBS. They just think they are still in their own smelly country. *sigh* I was reading an article about FOBS!!! It was the title that captured my attention :)
"Low-skilled migrants risk slide into poverty, say professor"
HAHA! Oh well, this blog isn't where I should rant, but yea :)
Yet again, my night was filled with procrastination. Playing guitar instead of studying, I wish the whole idea of exams being in 2 WEEKS will hit me soon before it's too late. No one wanted to play guitar with me :( Everyone was being gay! LOL! I joke, people just couldn't be bothered. Well it came down to Janelle! Lol! Up till 5am mucking around. Priceless...
Eventually went to sleep at 5am and I woke up hell early to my dad putting the blankets on me properly. I properly awoke at 8.45am. It was a lovely sleep :) The day started off very gloomy. The weather is shocking at the moment, pouring down with rain and stuff like rain. Thunder and Lightning is hell fun :) Not fun for my dogs though :( Zuki kept shaking!
Currently just REALLY cloudy and no rain. Really wonder how the Perth Time Freeze went about.
Wednesday, 28 May 2008
Sunshine on a Rainy Day
Today I missed two buses. EXCELLENT! First because I was late, then I thought, "ok I have enough time to go and get something to eat :)" So I wandered off to maccas. I used EFTPOS and I typed in the wrong pin and it said "accepted" I'm like "ummmm I typed in the wrong pin" the guy serving was said "It's all good". A bit fishy =\
Anyway, started eating and I was up to my hashbrown and I saw the 507 go by. Usually the 99 comes a few minutes after the 507. As I finished my hashbrown, THE 99 WENT BY! RAGE! *sigh* then I just ended up waiting for the other 99 to come. Arrived at uni at 11 and I felt really embarrassed to go so I didn't end up going :(
I met another friend today. Her name is Tammy! (I really need to find more male friends) But she is awesome! I met her through Callie and she has a really bubbly personality. Apparently, she wants Callie and I to get married, if I haven't got a girlfriend by 30. Haha! She also wants me to get a dickie's jumper? Is that what it is called? But yea, she is another really cool friend. Another cool thing about her is, SHE ISN'T ASIAN!
Anyway, accounting came along and I SAW AUDELLE! And the lovely thing is, we actually sat next to each other FOR THE FIRST TIME THIS WHOLE SEMESTER IN ACCOUNTING! Surprising thing is, we actually did work :) and we did it correctly! SUCK goes to the people who I normally sit with! I joke, they are alright :) just very distracting. So it was our last accounting lecture. Kind of sad, because I won't have Audelle in any of my classes anymore. But we shall surely bum around together in the future!
Monday, Viv bought nachos and she dropped it HAHAHA! Do you know why it is funny? Because I didn't drop it!
Monday, 26 May 2008
Inspiring Conversation
This post revolves around this image.
rawrasaur. says:
u like my dp?
- v i v i e n n e says:
- v i v i e n n e says:
is he who ur aspiring to be?
rawrasaur. says:
rawrasaur. says:
rawrasaur. says:
my biceps actualy look like that
rawrasaur. says:
- v i v i e n n e says:
- v i v i e n n e says:
they emitt light?
- v i v i e n n e says:
rawrasaur. says:
It is nice to see Weijia writing about me :) just stating what she thinks of me.
Anyway, last saturday I decided to change my guitar strings :) No not my bass strings, my actual classical guitar strings :) Yes it was a b*tch to change, because the first string I changed was the 6th string, and I hadn't changed them for like over 6 years! I'm pretty sure over a period of 6 years, I have changed my hair most probably 8 times? Crazy I know. Getting back into guitar feels pretty good. I played so much that my fingers were freaking hurting! Next day, I had to play for church, and it felt SO bad! HAHAHA! It was actually ok :)
So if anyone wants to donate their acoustic guitar, I would be very happy :)
Music always calms me down :)
Useless post. Next one shall be more interesting :)
Friday, 23 May 2008
Work Work, Both Meanings
Wow, today at work, surprisingly so many people came in to buy a pie. Do you know the reason? All because their entertainment coupons are going to expire in the next week! Well I guess, a dollar saved is a dollar earnt. Anyway, happened to see many people :) First of all, a woman walked in, and I was serving her like normal. Then she spoke, and her voice was VERY familiar. Then I asked, "Did you used to work at Orana?" and just as I thought, SHE DID! It was the all famous 'Mrs. O'Malley'! She was the lovely canteen lady who, back then I thought, had won MANY awards for serving healthy food! I still remember us always putting our hands up to get the canteen basket just to get out of class :P But yea, surprisingly, she still remembered me!! HAHAHA!! Good job! Unfortunately she is unable to work there anymore for various reasons.
Anyway, I went back to work and towards the end of my shift it started to get busy, quite busy must I add. People quite desperate to save here and there :P But anyway, I was serving a customer, and two people happened to walk in. One was a mum, and the other was a girl. Both the girl and I both dropped our jaws! No it was not Weijia and Weijia's mum, it was Noelle and her mum! I just cracked up laughing! I could hear her go "mum, thats Matt" LOL! But yea, I didn't get to serve them, because a customer was taking too long... Oh well! I'm pretty sure her sister received a message soon after informing her about our meeting! LOL!
Other kind of work
I feel a little less stressed. My final major assessment is over, but I soon found out that I screwed it. *sigh* Oh well, we'll see what happens. Now I can fully study for exams!
Actually last Saturday, I went to UWA to study at the MCL computer labs with Yuvina! Har! We did some work. I actually procrastinated for a while. Just did NOT know what to write for the assignment. After it was lunch time and we decided to go to broadway to go and eat. For some reason, Yuvina knows the guy who most probably owns the chinese restraunt. Anyway, Yuvina doesn't eat ANYTHING at all! I pretty much ate my lunch AND her lunch too! But yea, I wanted a drink, and just to be a cheap ass, I decided to buy a 1.25L bottle for cheaper than 600mL bottle! LOL!
Anyway this is what I discovered. YUVINA LIKES TO MAKE HOLES IN SHOPS! Here is the proof
Trust me, this hole was made by here. One moment I was looking at drinks, the next moment I here Yuvina struggling and pulling her heel out of the floor! LOL!
A while ago
These are some photos I took a while ago after work. Went to the oriental shop in Myaree and these are what I found :)

Hm, Yes, looks VERY tasty *sarcasm*
Friday, 16 May 2008
I have an effed up face
Thursday, 15 May 2008
Monday, 12 May 2008
Nandos Chicken
Yes, at the moment, I am currently drinking it. And it is making my throat DRY! WHAT KINDA WATER MAKES YOUR THROAT DRY?!?!?!
Oh, today I saw my crazy friend again but we didn't get to talk. I swear she is crazy!
Sunday, 11 May 2008
I'm Blogging That Sh*t!

She is crazy I tell you. We met magically at our management lecture. Ever since then, we have been good friends, considering that we only get to talk for a few minutes once a week. There's a lot we have in common. We both have a youtube page, we both have blogs and we both are retards. That's good enough to be good friends :)
Anyway, something happened at church that seemed to amuse me. A mother, a son and a daughter walk in the pew and the boy didn't want to move in because I'm guessing the daughter and son were fighting. Funny reason to be annoying, but I can honestly say that I was like this when I was young :) Anyway, so the son was being trouble and the mum wasn't able to get the boy to move in. So she threatened him. The best way possible. These are the exact words that came out of her mouth.
"Today is mothers day, you are meant to do what you are told!"
Well I thought it was funny anyway.
Saturday, 10 May 2008
Post a comment if you can play :)
Happy music is desired :)
Currently I have recruited two people :)
Renininininininini - Guitarist. She is sugoi
Weijia - Pianist
Me - Bassist
We are definately gonna play:
- Michael Buble - Lost
- Daniel Powter - Bad Day
- Michael Buble - Everything
- Michael Buble - Home
Friday, 9 May 2008
( __ )
( `∀´) <Mattypoo!>
(つ つ
| | |
Tuesday, 6 May 2008
Japanese Kanji Test
Japanese Essay
Accounting Group Assignment
Talking Across Cultures Essay
Japanese Oral Presentation
Marketing Group Assignment
Wow, this couldn't be spread out any better. Question I put out to you guys.
I have more AWESOME friends! Noelle and Charmaine! They are like awesome Net Buddies! The way I met them was TOTALLY random. Nothing can get anymore random than this but I shall not write it or else they might feel embarrassed :) ok I have just received confirmation that I am able to write how I met them.
It was my brother's 15th birthday I think. Everyone came to my house to swim in the pool, and then everyone had their fun, came out and was mucking around outside. Then this strange girl arrived late and didn't swim. The only problem for her was, everyone was leaving, and she couldn't leave because her parents went somewhere and she had to wait at my house. Ok picture this scene. It is very intense, we are sitting in a room, on chairs, and there is silence. Then I just start randomly asking questions. She just sits there and puts on this "what da eff" look. We have a laugh from my stupidity, when I was in year 8. So eventually she left and apparently she never saw me again, but i kept seeing her in school and kept saying stupid stuff to her. When I saw her, I would say in the most retard voice ever, "heeeey Charmaiiiinnnneeeeeee!"
So anyway she graduated and then I didn't see her again. Wait, apparently I saw her at her pre-ball LOL but I can't rememeber that. But yes, then she graduated and got offered a scholarship to study in Melbourne and she took it and left Perth. Then I didn't see her again. Randomly one day last year, I was browsing facebook and came across a person named "Charmaine" and I was like, "hmmm could it be?" *click add friend request*. Surprisingly she added me and said to me, "I don't remember you". I was hell cut. But anyway, we had these conversations over facebook. Worst idea ever. She thought I was a stalker! So she gathered her friends to write stuff on her wall. Anyway while this was all happening, her little sister, who goes by the name or Noelle, was getting devious thoughts in her mind about me. She would be like "who is this Matt guy?" and I think she wanted me to stop talking to her. But I kept talking and being retarded. Anyway back to Charmaine. I remember the day that she allowed me to add her to msn. We were chatting about HELL random stuff. She was like, "keep chatting with me until it's 7pm" or 6pm, I can't remember. So I kept talking to her, while waiting for a friend to finish off his Japanese essay. So every time she went on msn, I would make her feel REALLY uncomfortable by just talking to her. She was super shy.
Anyway time went by and she had to go on holiday to Singapore. For some reason on her holiday she went on msn. I was like, "Oooooh! you have a webcam! WEBCAM ME!!!" lol. We ended up webcamming and I found out she had a sister! LOL! So anyway thats how I met her sister. Well technically I didn't meet her, but anyway, we have very retarded conversations over the internet while they were in Singapore. Well time went by, like this year I would say, and I went to the city, minding my own business. Then i passed that dim sum restaurant on Roe Street. I walked by and thought to myself, That was a really familiar face. Remember I have webcammed her before. So I walked back and was like, *POKE!* "HEY! She stood there and was like, *silence* *blink blink* "Woah!". Then I was like, "uhhh ok see you then". She was so freaked that day. Straight after I left, she smsed her sister. ROFL! Best story of my life.
But yes, that was my experience with Noelle and the way I met her for less than 5 minutes. But I don't think I could find anyone to replace these two :) Noelle said the "NICEST" thing to me EVER! "If I move away, I won't miss you" HAHAHA. Nice isn't it? Inside comment :)
Saturday, 3 May 2008
Free time that should have been used on studying
He is a male Japanese Spitz and I think he is about 3 years old. He is the biggest ball of fluff I have ever seen. His hobbies are barking at crappy neighbours who complain about him for no reason at all. He likes to go for walks, and loves to pee on EVERYTHING, so beware if you look like a pole or a tree.
I actually named him because no one else could come up with a kick ass name. For all who don't know, 'Mizu' means 'water' in Japanese. I came across this name because when he was a pup, he would always play in his drinking water. Splashing about and clawing the water as if he attacking it. He hates tiled floors, he thinks that he will slip and die. We have to pick him up to go for walks or else he would start crying and barking. But he is a fat ball of fur :)
This is Zuki. She is a female Japanese Spitz and is roughly 2 years old :) She is the biggest baby ever. If anyone wants a baby that doesn't talk back, Zuki is the thing for you :) BUT NO ONE CAN HAVE HER! She loves company and gets lonely VERY easily. She likes to sleep, go for walks, but she doesn't piss of EVERY single tree she sees, but she runs around a lot :)
Obviously I didn't come up with her name, because it doesn't mean ANYTHING in Japanese. I was against calling her Zuki because it DIDN'T MEAN ANYTHING! But she is still the most beautiful thing anyone could have :) We give them half an apple everynight, and the way that Zuki eats the apple is the cutest thing anyone could see. She waits till Mizu finishes his apple, and then she pounces on the apple and fully attacks it. She scratches the apple and plays with it. After she gets bored of playing with it, she eats it :)
Zuki is able to sleep ANYWHERE. She sleeps on the couch and digs her head into the side to fee secure. She always wants attention, and when she gets the chance, she will jump on you while you are sitting on the chair and would want to sleep in your arms. When you try to take her out to chuck a piss during the night, she will relax all her muscles to try to stop you from picking her up. SILLY! She knows we are still able to pick her up! LOL!
Here they are together :)
That is Zuki's face is ALWAYS like this
Good photo of them sitting together
Mizu being a busy body :)
Dog love
Yes, she is a baby
Friday, 2 May 2008
First Day of Work
Bitch first day of work, and I blame my phone. My phone didn't turn on again until I got home. So pissed. But it's all good :) still got a free meal, but ended up going out to eat again. Can't get enough food :)
Hopefully next shift, my phone will not let me down.
Thursday, 1 May 2008
Mamak Night
Wow I complain a lot...
Currently in an engineering computer lab posting. Was playing Tekkan - Dark Resurrection for ages... *sigh* So glad that the battery ran out :)
Finally can start work :)
Anyone want to feed me food? Yuvina, you owe me dessert :)
Wednesday, 30 April 2008
Study Abroad?
One thing I am destined to do, is to go and study abroad somewhere. At the moment, my eyes are set on studying in Japan. Yes, very typical of an asian to go and want to go to Japan, but I think my reasons are quite reasonable. I'm not going to write them here, just in case you steal my ideas! I joke, but I won't bore you with reasons why I want to go on exchange :)
Managed to get some Japanese done, and felt that I was able to go for my accounting lecture :) yay! Accounting! It was great, walking with Farren, giving her crap for snobbing me the day before and her finally admitting that she saw me. For some reason I made her feel really bad, but I didn't say anything, just "I KNOW you saw me yesterday". But accounting was fun :) OMG I sat behind a lovely girl named, Audelle :) Even though I don't see her much, she is one of the most happy people I know :) She shall never fail to brighten my day with her smile.
Another two bubbly friends.
Names: Viv and Callie
Crime: Hyperactivity, smiling every minute of the day and for Viv, head shaking action with her eyes looking up
I keep bumping into these two in uni, literally.
First of all, Viv. She has always given me the evils, always have made fun of my stupidity and always comments on how I am sick of Rossy and Applecross people. She can be extremely annoying at times. She is bugging me right now! But besides this, she is very supportive of things you have a passion for, which makes her unique. She knows how to dance, and how to be tall. I advise to every who meets her for the first time, this is the best pick up line for her. "Hey, you are REALLY tall!"
Secondly, Callie. As I promised to her, this section will be dedicated JUST to Callie.
Callie Callie Callie Callie Callie Callie Callie Callie Callie Callie Callie Callie Callie Callie Callie Callie Callie Callie Callie Callie Callie Callie Callie Callie Callie Callie Callie Callie Callie Callie Callie Callie Callie Callie Callie Callie Callie Callie Callie Callie Callie Callie Callie Callie Callie Callie Callie Callie
She is so happy all the time. I have NEVER seen her emo, depressed or relying on someone else. She wears these awesome big sunnies, and says "Matt I like your hair :)". She even tells me to take off a witch hat because she didn't want my hair to get ruined. She spent $64.95 on wood today just for her project. And she knows where I live... which is a bit scary :)
I FOUND MY HEADPHONES TODAY! They were under my bed!
Tuesday, 29 April 2008
Bus Turned into a Furnace
It's good knowing that friends are human. It is reassuring to see that friends may be happy to your face but deep down things are troubling them. This may seem bad, but to know that you don't have a perfect life, and others don't have a perfect life, really makes you treasure your own. Had a chat with a friend last night. It was quite a long conversation. We discussed various things in life. I found out that thinking too much just messes with your mind. But as friends, who barely know each other, we have learnt to support each other :) BFFL now? Good stuff.
Something I have noticed, I like the way that Yuvina thinks. It is much like my way of thinking :) Disliking some people for VARIOUS reasons. Attempted to like them but failed miserably. I don't dislike people for just for the sake of it, they have to be REALLY retarded for my to dislike them. If you know me well, I don't dislike people very easily. My tolerance is high. So Yuvina, Hi5 for being someone i can relate to :)
Monday, 28 April 2008
A Productive Night
...Truely productive...
Msn... DELETE!
No need to smash phone :) because it is dangerously underused :)
I praise uni, yet I condemn it at the same time
- This week = Japanese Midsem
- Next week = Management Group Assignment due
- Week after = Accounting Group Assignment due
- Week after that = Marketing Group Assignment due
- Weeks after that = Most probably exam weeks
*sigh* I also have a Japanese essay and a Japanese speech due.
Reason to praise uni (key word = 'Reason', singular)
Not having major assignments due in the same week.
Snobbing people in uni is just great, walk around uni, head facing the ground, not taking any care in what is going on around you. Carefree time in uni :)
Lets think of the good things in life :)

I took this photo at Bickley Recreation Camp
Today I met a new person :) It was on the bus. Waiting outside the 98 stand and I see Geri and her friends walking towards the bus stop. Talked a bit with Geri about the study break and the bus arrived. Got on the bus, push this noob FOB out of the way, and sat down at the disabled place. The trip was awesome :) no one talked to me, and I talked to no one. The bus stopped and I saw that a elderly wanted a trip. So being a good hearted person that I am, I got up and stood. Ok for those who have read up to here, I congratulate you. Long story cut short, I pressed the button at Southlands and stood next to the door. Decided to FINALLY say hi to Geri's friend. I had seen her around a lot in uni, but I just never have said hi to her. I was very shocked to find that she was very friendly and I can finally say hi to her now everytime I see her in uni :)
Kudos to you guys for reading my life story :)
Saturday, 26 April 2008
A New Journey Starts
A lot has happened since the last time I blogged, emotions and all. I have come to conclusion that I love my life! And so should everyone else :)
This past week has most probably the most eventful week of my life! Started off with Friday.
Friday: Nicholas Choong's Birthday Bash. Craziest person i know. Who the hell drinks from 12am all the way till night time? NICK DOES! That crazy bugger!
Started off at eurobar and transfered to the Deen but then Nick could barely stand up and had to be taken home before trouble came upon him. But over all, a great night :) you are 21 Nick :)
Saturday: It was the day the Kevin Koo and myself went totally crazy and showed people at the clubs how its done! Dammit looking for Kevin Koo took up about 40mins of the night, which left us with 40mins less of the night! I swear, I am the guy to be with when looking for a parking spot in Northbridge. Straight away, we found a parking spot! These events are very similar to the ones that occur when I used to bum in Northbridge with Dimsum. Anyway, decided that we would wait till Metros opened. Headed to Metros and waited. Roughly 9.51pm we wanted to go in but got rejected by the bouncers. We were asked to wait 10 minutes. 10 minutes went by and the bouncers still didn't let us in. While we were waiting, these girls walked by and I was like "shit shit shit" *look to the floor* then after they passed they looked behind. I hoped that they didn't know me but then they walked back and they said, "hey, aren't you the A.S.I.A guy?". I was hell scared >.< But anyway, after the bouncers let us in, we headed over to the city where we met up with a rossy group. Geez, everyone got drunk there and then we headed back to Metros. Filled my body with some tequila and showed the clubs what Me and Kevin Koo could do :) saw more drunkened friends from the MSU Rivercruise and totally went crazy. On the way home, Me and Sophie Lee couldn't shut up. It was awesome fun :)
Monday: Bec's birthday, Happy Birthday Bec :) I must say, a bit awkward bumming with freshers
Tuesday: Badminton at UWA. Dude, I'm so crap, have not played for over a year and either the courts have gotten smaller, or I have gotten WAY stronger to keep hitting the shuttle out. After badminton, a lot of rage built up inside me. Rage that I have not felt in a REALLY long time. But I found it inappropriate to react. But it was a good work out :) lets do it again :)
Wednesday: One of the worst days of my life. I can't be bothered about the details of why it wasn't a great day for me. But I can say, the A.S.I.A Fresher Function Back2Basics was pretty dam good. I wish I were a fresher. Great venue, great crowd and GREAT FACEPAINT! I just don't see how it could have been scary. For those who don't know, please check out facebook photos. I was quite devo after too. Hadn't eaten all day, and my food was stolen by noobie freshers.
Thursday - Friday: Most intense days of my life. Kind of wish I went for the whole time now. But it was the start of my AIESEC Experience. Down at Bickley Recreation Campsite for 1 night and 2 days, learning how to develop essential skills at the AIESEC State Conference. Taught me a lot, met awesome people, did awesome things, beat UWA in skölling by default, first 'Fuck over' and did the most crazy thing EVER. There is such a thing called, "Pants off Friday". You can guess what happened. Concluding plannary, sat in there in just my boxers. How awesome. Unable to write how much I learnt. Best thing is, anything is possible, follow your dreams, don't give up hope. Definately going to step up in the future because I want to develop myself into the best person I can be. Took lovely photos of the campsite, which I have NOT received yet from the 'gossip queen'. Sad to say I shall miss National Conference.
That has been my totally eventful week. This is not even the tip of the iceberg, much more happened but its far too much to write.
Also this week, I have recorded more videos.
Please check them out.
- Jackson 5 - I Want You Back
- Stevie Wonder - I Wish
- Cake - I Will Survive
- Wild Cherry - Play That Funky Music
- Metallica - Enter Sandman
- Muse - Time is Running Out
- Black Sabbath - Iron Man + Guitar
- Black Sabbath - Iron Man (Bass Only)
- Metallica - Orion
Time to catch up on study :)