Sunday 14 December 2008


UPDATED! Mangomuncha made me do it!

Just like mangomuncha, 2am blogging is a time where you sit on the computer, thinking about things that have happened to you recently. 2am time seems to be one of the few places where I actually get time for myself, with my dad snoring in front of the TV and the dogs are fast asleep, it is a great time to go through things that would normally take up too much time during the day. You would expect more to be done in 24 hours but it goes relatively fast.

The reason why I havent updated for such a long time is, it wasn't such a GREAT time to write about things, and I did not have much inspiration. But it has come to my attention that there is no REAL need for inspiration when it comes to writing blogs. It is up to you to write something that is meaningful to yourself and just go with the flow.

Anyway, now is a good time to reflect upon 2008. It was a year where friends were made, and friends were lost, where things were achieved and things were left undone. Things happened to me where I never expected to happen. Also, what else was learnt was, everyday is a gift, and should be treasured. I know that this is a very cliched saying, but life is fragile and can be taken away extremely easily. I might re-cap on what happened during 2008 in a later post.

Anyway, Friday was my sister's birthday, and Saturday was my uncle's birthday. Who would have known I could eat so much ice-cream cake! It was to a point where I was starting to not like ice-cream! But I believe it was the iceing.

Anyway, I have realised that these holidays so far have been just as hectic as the uni semester. Produce a video for Noelle, who is sadly leaving Perth FOREVER because she doesn't like it here (I joke), help out with A.S.I.A business, which I am quite disappointed in, also preparing for the festive season. Great times, which are meant to be filled with laughter and happiness. Yes, much of it is laughter and happiness, but there's just something that isn't right about it. Something is missing, and no, it is not a girl, as some may think, but something else that I just can't put my finger on.

We'll see what happens during the next few weeks and I'll try to keep myself updated :)

On a lighter note, part of producing a farewell video is to actually show people the video! I do not take full credit for this, only partial :) Please tell me what you think about it, either here or on the youtube page itself.

Adios Amigos

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