Monday 12 May 2008

Nandos Chicken

A normal day at uni is quite eventful. Started off with me waking up and getting ready for uni. Mum offered to take me to uni. Very sweet of her :) Well on the way, I became very disturbed. First of all, there was NOTHING nice on the radio. So for 5 mins of my life was just flipping through radio channels trying to find something I like. Next, we were driving along the road and next to me was a Daewoo. I was thinking, hmmmm a Daewoo, could be dangerous. Anyway, we came up to the Karel Ave and Leach Hwy intersection, and the lights unexpectedly turned red. So obviously we stopped and I was like DAMMIT!! Meh oh well, mum just drove in front HAHAHAHA!

Anyway, after my accounting assignment, we decided to go to nandos for lunch at like 2pm. Quite amazing, walking from the library to the hockey field! Anyway, ended up in nandos and there was a big debate on what we were going to have. I suggested to get a family feast, 2 chickens and very large chips. Everyone didn't believe me I could eat that much. So anyway, we got it and started eating. I surprised everyone by eating 1.5 chickens and most of the chips! HAHAHAHA!!! I'm a fatty. After we all agreed to go to woolworths to go in search for water. I was like, WOOOOOO 62c water!!! HAHAHA. Then we saw this bottled water...

Yes, at the moment, I am currently drinking it. And it is making my throat DRY! WHAT KINDA WATER MAKES YOUR THROAT DRY?!?!?!

Oh, today I saw my crazy friend again but we didn't get to talk. I swear she is crazy!


audi21 said...

matt!! im crazy??!?!?! im now known as ur crazi friend!?! hahaha no way matt! ur waaaaaaaay waaaaay crazier than me! If im crazi, then u must be as well! LOL

Jovina said...

LOL i love nandos :)
its making ur throat dry cuz its water for WOMEN :P only cool people like us can take it !