Friday 2 May 2008

First Day of Work

What a day for my phone to screw up. Sooooo pissed. I was hell hyped up about working. I was like, "hell yea, I'm ready for this, I can do this!" Purposely put my alarm at 6am to get to work at 6.30am. Slept, then woke up at 5am. I was like, "Awesome, I can sleep for one more hour". I wake up again, and it is 8am. I'm like, "FARRRRRRKKKK!!!! WHAT THE HELL!!!!" Got out of bed, brushed my teeth, put clothes on, wet my hair (so it wasn't bed hair) then rushed out of the house, and my boss looked at me weird. I felt so bad. But yea, it's ok, he wasn't a bitch about it :)

Bitch first day of work, and I blame my phone. My phone didn't turn on again until I got home. So pissed. But it's all good :) still got a free meal, but ended up going out to eat again. Can't get enough food :)

Hopefully next shift, my phone will not let me down.

Appreciate food. Starving are kids all over the world in 3rd world countries.


Anonymous said...

mm free food

Jovina said...

aww hopefully ur next shift is all good! where do u work???

Jovina said...

u've been commenting on everyones blog ;)