Monday 29 December 2008


A big FUCK YOU to youtube!

As if delete my Enter Sandman video!
Don't give me this BULLSHIT about copyright issues.
You can shove it up your ASS!

I was having such a good day too. I slept the whole day, now I am TOTALLY awake.

Anyway... a friend really likes the photos I took yesterday, and they asked me to follow them to shoot models! I hope they are serious, because if they are, I'm quite excited :)

Again, last night I was up till about 3am watching "Whose Line is it Anyway?" on youtube, man it is such a good show, but everyone has to go to sleep some time. Anyway, as I was turning off my computer, I saw some weird strange object running across the floor. I froze for a minute, thinking, what could it be? and then it continued crawling to my dog's bed. I honestly couldn't tell if it was an insect of a lizard, because it definately looked like a lizard and moved like a lizard, but it had those two spiney things that come out from the butt and it didn't have scales. It was NOT a cockroach, because it had FOUR legs! I ended up getting a fly swat, because I wasn't sure if bug spray would kill it, and swatted it :) It was still twitching, and it seemed to have claws. That serously freaked me out. It had like black crap coming from it's ass. I seriously didnt know what the hell it was. So I left it there for the person who wakes up first to figure out what it was and then I went to sleep :) I was contemplating whether I should take a photo, but comon, it was 3am in the morning!

Today, I told my mum that it was me who killed the 'monster' and she started telling me off! LOL! She said it was a cricket, but I insisted that it was a monster.

I win!

Adios Amigos


Kirsty said...

t'was a cockroacheee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D Killing a cricket will bring you 7 years of misfortune >.< Ok now my comment can't possibly get lost hehe. Hey, leave youtube alone!!!!

saygoe said...

as if not take a photo :<

mattypoo said...

i'm sorry sago... i was tired.. it was 3am in the morning... :(