Friday 16 May 2008

I have an effed up face

Point made...

Funny thing happened, or something I thought was funny. Was walking out to the bus stop, I looked to my right and there a person at the bus stop doing these exercises. They were bent over and touching their left food with their right arm, then their right foot with their left arm. Oh well.

Don't want to hear me complain? Don't read the next paragraph.

I can tell you, Bull Creek Dr is one of the most retarded roads ever. Well maybe not the road but surely the people who drive on that road. First of all, it is a 50km/h zone. This may be significantly slow for some people but it is understandable. There are so many old people living near by. Would YOU want to have someone's blood on their your hands? But anyway, some people are tapped in the head, I reckon. 50km/h zone and I'm pretty dam sure they are driving 70km/h+!!! I just feel so frustrated that my life is at stake that I just want to pick up a rock and chuck it on the road and have the car drive into it causing damage to their 'precious' car. Witnessing so many drivers with suicide on their minds!

Audelle is so cool. She dedicated her blog post to me!

I really need more male bonding time.

Cameras can stop time and space with one press of a button...


Anonymous said...

and with one press of a button we can link to audelle's blog post about you...

get convenient man :D

mattypoo said...

yea... technology these days!!!

Jovina said...

"They were bent over and touching their left food with their right arm"

Pretty sure its suppose to be FOOT not FOOD!!