Monday 26 May 2008


In an attempt to calm myself down I have decided to blog :)

It is nice to see Weijia writing about me :) just stating what she thinks of me.

Anyway, last saturday I decided to change my guitar strings :) No not my bass strings, my actual classical guitar strings :) Yes it was a b*tch to change, because the first string I changed was the 6th string, and I hadn't changed them for like over 6 years! I'm pretty sure over a period of 6 years, I have changed my hair most probably 8 times? Crazy I know. Getting back into guitar feels pretty good. I played so much that my fingers were freaking hurting! Next day, I had to play for church, and it felt SO bad! HAHAHA! It was actually ok :)

So if anyone wants to donate their acoustic guitar, I would be very happy :)

Music always calms me down :)

Useless post. Next one shall be more interesting :)

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