- This week = Japanese Midsem
- Next week = Management Group Assignment due
- Week after = Accounting Group Assignment due
- Week after that = Marketing Group Assignment due
- Weeks after that = Most probably exam weeks
*sigh* I also have a Japanese essay and a Japanese speech due.
Reason to praise uni (key word = 'Reason', singular)
Not having major assignments due in the same week.
Snobbing people in uni is just great, walk around uni, head facing the ground, not taking any care in what is going on around you. Carefree time in uni :)
Lets think of the good things in life :)

I took this photo at Bickley Recreation Camp
Today I met a new person :) It was on the bus. Waiting outside the 98 stand and I see Geri and her friends walking towards the bus stop. Talked a bit with Geri about the study break and the bus arrived. Got on the bus, push this noob FOB out of the way, and sat down at the disabled place. The trip was awesome :) no one talked to me, and I talked to no one. The bus stopped and I saw that a elderly wanted a trip. So being a good hearted person that I am, I got up and stood. Ok for those who have read up to here, I congratulate you. Long story cut short, I pressed the button at Southlands and stood next to the door. Decided to FINALLY say hi to Geri's friend. I had seen her around a lot in uni, but I just never have said hi to her. I was very shocked to find that she was very friendly and I can finally say hi to her now everytime I see her in uni :)
Kudos to you guys for reading my life story :)
matty poo made a new friend :)
time to expand MORE of your (already big) social circle!! LOL
nice picture that u took!! woww!! can i steal it? and paint it on a giant canvas??? send me some inspiring and good scenery photos! Im going to paint something soon!
LOL oops i posted my comment for the wrong entry
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