Monday 22 December 2008

My 2am Blog

Lol! 2:30am and I'm blogging!

Christmas is literally a few days away and I'm not REALLY into the spirit. I'm happy and all but where is that hype? Mind you, Christmas is a great time!

I can tell you right now, talking to me when it is past midnight, you can get a lot of sh*t out of me. Honestly, I think this is the ONLY time I give time to myself, besides in the shower :] (I love that place)
Sitting on the computer, talking to friends; friends who actually give back... This is when you start thinking about things you wouldn't normally think about.
Hehe, thanks Dim... even though I know 100%, that you are not reading this post!

Anyway, I haven't actually been able to use my camera to it's full potential! One thing I would like to try this year is...
Modelling shots of friends! I know that sounds pretty weird, but I just think it would be fun and it would also be giving back something to my friends :)

My main concern is, my friends feeling uncomfortable with me with a camera. So anyone who is reading this have any suggestions, it would be much appriciated :)

over and out

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