Saturday 31 May 2008

Insomnia yet again

Yesterday I had work again :) I won't be there for the next two weeks in an attempt to pass my units! It was quite hectic, the most hectic I have experienced since working here. But my shift finally ended with a whole lot of customers :P

Oh I also got burnt for the first time yesterday :) TWICE! Now my arm looks like there's another mole, not like I don't have enough, but the other one is on the joint of my finger, and i looks like a blister. Surprisingly they still kinda hurt if you touch them :S Yes, I do weird stuff to myself. Haha.
After work, went home, had a shower, like a good boy does and then somehow ended up in Myaree just to find that Everyday Sunday was closed. I was thinking, "hmmm, maybe we should buy more jelly for $7". You know those awesome jelly shots, NON-alcoholic. Went in and discovered some new things :) Wandering around the shop for a while, we came across this awesome drink :)
Read it carefully :) "Joy Juice Recipe"? A "Joy Juice" that is named "Kickapoo"!!! This oriental shop is awesome! None of us were brave enough to try this "Joy Juice", let alone the rhino seamen LOL!

After scavenging some more, we came across the jelly section :)

This thing looks totally retarded! Meh can't be bothered explaining why this made us laugh, try to figure it out yourself. Let the oriental shop with these drinks, which LOOKED nice, but was a bit of a disappointment.

I can honestly say, FOBS are quite disturbing. I actually said something REALLY mean, but I won't say it again because I might get a lot of hate messages from FOBS, not like I know many FOBS. They just think they are still in their own smelly country. *sigh* I was reading an article about FOBS!!! It was the title that captured my attention :)

"Low-skilled migrants risk slide into poverty, say professor"

HAHA! Oh well, this blog isn't where I should rant, but yea :)

Yet again, my night was filled with procrastination. Playing guitar instead of studying, I wish the whole idea of exams being in 2 WEEKS will hit me soon before it's too late. No one wanted to play guitar with me :( Everyone was being gay! LOL! I joke, people just couldn't be bothered. Well it came down to Janelle! Lol! Up till 5am mucking around. Priceless...
Eventually went to sleep at 5am and I woke up hell early to my dad putting the blankets on me properly. I properly awoke at 8.45am. It was a lovely sleep :) The day started off very gloomy. The weather is shocking at the moment, pouring down with rain and stuff like rain. Thunder and Lightning is hell fun :) Not fun for my dogs though :( Zuki kept shaking!
Currently just REALLY cloudy and no rain. Really wonder how the Perth Time Freeze went about.

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