Tuesday 30 December 2008

38 Degree Weather?

Strangely enough, when I walked into work today, it was very similar to a furnace! That was quickly changed.
Honestly, I was expecting 38 degree weather to be a bit more extreme, but I'm not complaining :)

Anyway, I have yet again found ANOTHER joy in life! My tip to people will be, if you are really eager to try something, just go for it. For about a year, I have been wanting to use that boogieboard given to me from 'Uncle Sam' when he left for adelaide but have never had the guts to try because of the fear of looking like a total fool. Well, when you are wearing a rashy and holding a boogieboard under your arm, you look AWESOME! You must see me :D I joke. But it is surprisingly easy and surprisingly fun! But we must remember, it is surprisingly tiring too. Especially when the waves turn HELL random. But serious, whoever has a board... PLEASE COME TO THE BEACH WITH ME! I'm going again on new years day!

That reminds me... what should I do tomorrow? Happy New Years with who?
That is a mystery :)

Over and Out

1 comment:

Kirsty said...

Can I come?? :D hehehhe