Monday 22 December 2008

3 Days Before Christmas

3 Days before Christmas, and there seems to be a lot of hype about it now!
It's good to see people are happy, people are welcoming.

After Christmas, New Years comes along, and it is where everyone makes their New Year Resolution. I always end up forgetting mine. But I will most probably post what my Resolution is, just for the sake of me trying to remember :)

Please do comment your New Year's Resolution :) It will be interesting to see what yours are :)


Anonymous said...

hmm, study more, be more organised, exercise.the usual >.<

Anonymous said...

pass uni.

Kirsty said...

To remain at home and study, nothing more, nothing less =D

Wahahahha. And enroll at curtinnn uni

Anonymous said...

less party

Anonymous said...

save money.

Anonymous said...

help matt get phat.
haha not really.
Ummmm...make friends, dont be so lazy! learn to play tennis ahha :P

Anonymous said...

make that 7 :D

Anonymous said...

matt is fabtastic

Anonymous said...

i do not have any for i am perfect the way i am oohhh yeahh

MadHatter said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
saygoe said...


MadHatter said...

oh shit. i accidently deleted it. ok i'll type it again.

okkkk since u keep nagging me. if u must know, i have a few ;)
1. get fit as opposed to get phat like matt hahaha
2. remember that chant i had on my msn nickname a few months back? something about doing all my readings every week and completing all essays a week in advance? -yeah that too.
3. invest in a dishwasher because "life's too short to be washing dishes!" quoted from that lady in that dishwashing liquid ad.
4. train my dog properly. seriously the poor thing's just turned 1 year old 5 days ago and the only thing he obeys to is sit...temporarilly. :(
5. get smarter, and more intelligent and wissssee..i shall read the newspaper every morning, watch the news more frequently, absorb myself in literature and shakespeare and oscar wilde and jane austen, and find more time to listen to the wise words of hamish and andy even if i'm not driving home from uni at 4-6pm.

i'm sure there's more, but i can't think of any at the moment. jeebus, mate. i took some quality time off watching "thank god you're here" to comment this post. wrote cha a whole bloody essay. i better get one back -_-

Jovina said...

Merry Christmas Matty =) i'll be flying to Indonesia tonight! Internet there is really slow so i thought I'll wish u a merry christmas first!!

my new years resolutions:
- get a licence (its about time)
- study more
- save money