Wednesday 28 May 2008

Sunshine on a Rainy Day

Rainy Days...

Today I missed two buses. EXCELLENT! First because I was late, then I thought, "ok I have enough time to go and get something to eat :)" So I wandered off to maccas. I used EFTPOS and I typed in the wrong pin and it said "accepted" I'm like "ummmm I typed in the wrong pin" the guy serving was said "It's all good". A bit fishy =\
Anyway, started eating and I was up to my hashbrown and I saw the 507 go by. Usually the 99 comes a few minutes after the 507. As I finished my hashbrown, THE 99 WENT BY! RAGE! *sigh* then I just ended up waiting for the other 99 to come. Arrived at uni at 11 and I felt really embarrassed to go so I didn't end up going :(

I met another friend today. Her name is Tammy! (I really need to find more male friends) But she is awesome! I met her through Callie and she has a really bubbly personality. Apparently, she wants Callie and I to get married, if I haven't got a girlfriend by 30. Haha! She also wants me to get a dickie's jumper? Is that what it is called? But yea, she is another really cool friend. Another cool thing about her is, SHE ISN'T ASIAN!

Anyway, accounting came along and I SAW AUDELLE! And the lovely thing is, we actually sat next to each other FOR THE FIRST TIME THIS WHOLE SEMESTER IN ACCOUNTING! Surprising thing is, we actually did work :) and we did it correctly! SUCK goes to the people who I normally sit with! I joke, they are alright :) just very distracting. So it was our last accounting lecture. Kind of sad, because I won't have Audelle in any of my classes anymore. But we shall surely bum around together in the future!

Monday, Viv bought nachos and she dropped it HAHAHA! Do you know why it is funny? Because I didn't drop it!

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