Saturday 3 May 2008

Free time that should have been used on studying

While attempting to study, it came across to me that, we did not have many nice photos of my dogs. Here are some of the NICE photos taken. Oh this will also show some colour in my blog :)

These are photos of Mizu :)

He is a male Japanese Spitz and I think he is about 3 years old. He is the biggest ball of fluff I have ever seen. His hobbies are barking at crappy neighbours who complain about him for no reason at all. He likes to go for walks, and loves to pee on EVERYTHING, so beware if you look like a pole or a tree.

I actually named him because no one else could come up with a kick ass name. For all who don't know, 'Mizu' means 'water' in Japanese. I came across this name because when he was a pup, he would always play in his drinking water. Splashing about and clawing the water as if he attacking it. He hates tiled floors, he thinks that he will slip and die. We have to pick him up to go for walks or else he would start crying and barking. But he is a fat ball of fur :)

These are photos of Zuki :)

This is Zuki. She is a female Japanese Spitz and is roughly 2 years old :) She is the biggest baby ever. If anyone wants a baby that doesn't talk back, Zuki is the thing for you :) BUT NO ONE CAN HAVE HER! She loves company and gets lonely VERY easily. She likes to sleep, go for walks, but she doesn't piss of EVERY single tree she sees, but she runs around a lot :)

Obviously I didn't come up with her name, because it doesn't mean ANYTHING in Japanese. I was against calling her Zuki because it DIDN'T MEAN ANYTHING! But she is still the most beautiful thing anyone could have :) We give them half an apple everynight, and the way that Zuki eats the apple is the cutest thing anyone could see. She waits till Mizu finishes his apple, and then she pounces on the apple and fully attacks it. She scratches the apple and plays with it. After she gets bored of playing with it, she eats it :)

Zuki is able to sleep ANYWHERE. She sleeps on the couch and digs her head into the side to fee secure. She always wants attention, and when she gets the chance, she will jump on you while you are sitting on the chair and would want to sleep in your arms. When you try to take her out to chuck a piss during the night, she will relax all her muscles to try to stop you from picking her up. SILLY! She knows we are still able to pick her up! LOL!

Here they are together :)

That is Zuki's face is ALWAYS like this

Good photo of them sitting together

Mizu being a busy body :)

Dog love

Yes, she is a baby


Stephanie said...

I would have never thought that dogs like to pose.

I was wrong. Just check out their poses... haha one of them is winking even!

They're cute.

mattypoo said...

LOL!!! yaaaa... they can wink!!!
when people come over.. and see them... they go "OMG!! IT JUST WINKED AT ME!!!"

dogs dont like to pose... im just a good photographer :)

Jovina said...

awww they are soo cute!!
cute cute cute!! i love them :) i wanna meet ur dog :p

ur so lucky to have such nice dogs :)