Wednesday 24 December 2008

Kimochi Baby

Woke up at 6am to Work Work Work! Funny to see I don't really care about customers anymore. Asian customers are the worst, so they receive the worst treatment :)
White people are so cool :) they are friendly and polite :)
So strange at work today, the Christmas spirit just hit me randomly. I think it was because, everyone that received their TER score scored very good! Congratulations to Noelle! I won't post what she got, but she should be VERY proud of herself :)

Anyway, kimochi baby, my whole body is aching... IT'S GOOD! Moving my arms is a pain but it's good! :)
Anyway, who was up for dinner at Tony Romas? I was! The ribs there are extreme! Exquisite! There was a lot of kimochi everywhere there :) Green beans are the best! I should really take a picture of it!

We booked bowling for 7:30pm but ended up reaching there at 8:00pm. We are very efficient at arriving on time :) I totally fail at bowling, but I make sure I have a dam good time! Who seriously gets a gutter ball TWICE?!?! I reckon my cousin was the best! Getting 137 points (if my memory serves me correctly).
Good seeing Ming and Kevin Koo again! :) They always make me smile like a mofo.

So, who is up for some singstar? ;)

Adios Amigos


Stanley said...

Bowling totally killed everybody's hands!

De Lost n Found said...

does noelle have a blogspot?

Anonymous said...

lol thx :D yes i do BP :) but i cant remember my password =/