Sunday 17 December 2006

Work Work Work

omg! work!!! this has been the first time it has been true when i say... i have SERIOUSLY earnt money.... (even tho i still cant access my money)

Starts off waking up at 6am in the morning when it is normal 5am!!! and going to the WACA and walking about 800 or so metres to get to stupid homo school when they promote gayness (Trinity) then walking another 300 metres to a stupid green caravan which says cappachino and fish burgers while we dont sell them and customers get full on agro at us for something not our fault.

This has actually been one of my favourite jobs (i cant choose from many) but... the people i work with are wicked LOL!!! sooo funny and i have come to conclusion that Viet people are very agressive... This is the only thing that keeps me motivated to work till the last day, which is tomorrow (besides the pay of course =P)

There are many things y this COULD be the worst job i could have been given.

1. waking up pretty early (early for me)
2. having to look at "Ni Hao" (a stupid fat b*tch) complain to everyone...
3. literally working in 50 degree weather (this is not a me)
4. making chips in that weather with stupid fumes that can kill u go into ur face
5. standing next to a stove which emits even more poisonous fumes than the chip fryer
6. wear some gay cap which is like small for everyone
7. not being able to open a door (because we are not allowed to) during peak hour for some stupid reason i was not told... anyway with it open it would prob only be like 48 degrees in that room?? But its better than nothing
8. not being able to eat the food we make (even though im like constantly eating the superior chips i created)
9. working in a cramp environment which i have already mentioned is like 50 degrees =.=
10. not being able to feel my feet... (only reason y i can feel my legs is because i always feel stupid sweat running down my legs... its seriously gross *sigh*

Wicked things about this job

1. pay i figured out was not as bad as i expected
2. our supervisor's name is "Storm" and she DOES freaking look like Storm from X-men!!!
3. working with hella fun people.... especially when my Viet friend totally makes fun of his friend (u gotta be there)
4. being able to go into the 'coolroom' after peak hour and feel our sweat from our whole body just like freeze or something... (it goes somewhere i dunno)
5. being able to steal free 'fruitopias' LOL

anyway... let me tell u about this stupid "Ni Hao" as i made that name for her because i didnt want her to know we were talking about her. Soo when we work we can always hear "OMG THAT STUPID NI HAO B*TCH!!!" lol by my agressive Viet friend... First of all... she is constantly talking about how good she is (which she is NOT!) e.g. from my supervisor "you know what stupid "ni hao" put down when she left?? Position: Cook/Supervisor. My "HR" supervisor was like... "ummm... maybe just cook"..." LOL!!!! shes always constantly telling us wat to do even though we are doin something else.... e.g. this is the senario... there is a fridge behind her... and she is touching the lettuce "if no one is using the lettuce can they please put it back in the fridge??" and we are like "omfg!!! u stupid "Ni Hao"!! cant u put it back in the fridge if your like right there???". Also today... she came in like at 9 or something when everyone starts at 7 or 7.30... and she signs in... then sits down outside and talks to "Storm" who actually doesnt like her at all as well (Storm was telling me how stupid "Ni Hao" was telling her about her stupid uhh "personal life" and even when Storm told me i was grossed out like hell) She sits down for like an hour... comes in the caravan, bosses us around, then goes outside and sits down... then she leaves.... and omg.. what annoyed me the most... she got paid for 2.5 hours and she did NOTHING AT ALL!!! it was like... she came then had a break the whole time... and on the time sheet the box where it was like "break" there was 3 words... "no break taken" OMFG!!! One last thing, coz i cant be bothered talking about her anymore, is that she is like really really fat herself and then she goes "i dont know why they employ men that are overweight to be security people that they have to sit down" im like... "omfg u stupid "Ni Hao" ur the one that sits down the whole day and does jack sh*t" my gosh... to much to write about her... i need to remind myself of stuff... The first day her stupid cooking "let me just stock up for tomorrow"

Omg... ive been working with my Viet friend sooo much that im sounding like him now =.= *sigh* too agressive >.< anyway.... totally lost my appetite while working here.... *sigh* need to eat for 5 days... (i only eat breakfast for the whole day =.= *sigh* sooo bad for me)

Anyway... didnt plan to write soo much but it just happened =\ *sigh* lol hope somebody actually does read the whole thing.... *shifty eyes* i know i wouldnt LOL!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Careful..or you'll start sounding like your dad ;)