Monday 25 December 2006

Stupid computer... Time to save money for something worth while

I take back everything i said in the previous post.... stupid computer ISNT fixed... just stressing me out more... seems like its taunting me... everytime i dont wanna use my webcam... it works.. everytime i wanna use it...... it stuffs up..... its like..... bull crap man....

Anyway went to church from 2 - 12 lol.... thats called dedication.... but....... i was helping out... soooo yea.... last 2 hours that i stayed i was just mucking around.... but yea.... i dont even know if anyone i know was at the masses..... i should invite people next year.... feel free to come...

Anyway... tonight i cant sleep... soooo decided to just read a book i got for Christmas....

Well i hope you all have a Merry Christmas...and a Very Happy New Year...

(i dont seem keen for anything this year... i rather save money for the moment.... just in case something comes up)

Enjoy the rest of ur holidays people... (this seems to be the shortest blog entry in a while...)

P.S. one more thing.... wth is wrong with mosquitoes??? u go outside for like 5 mins.... u get 3 mozzie bites.... *sigh* must be by the same stupid mozzie.... coz all on the same hand..... my hand must have been giving out A LOT of heat..... =\

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