Monday 11 December 2006


Everyone say Happy Birthday to Janice ok?


Came the earliest even though that SOME PEOPLE!!! said they were coming early...Anyway.. i DID help with the cake.. its just no one wants to say i did *sigh* anyway.... i blew MORE than 2 balloons thank you very much!! i also had her sis annoy me to bits... when i was drowzy after blowing sooo many balloons... anyhoo.... TOTALLY scared MunMun =P even after work

Played a stupid game (the game wasnt stupid... its just took MunMun 45mins to work out how to play it >.<) and then.... that murder game... i cant remember.... but everyone kept killing me... -__-" anyway... fun fun fun again =D Oh yeah.... MunMun has a WICKED massaging chair.... it feels really weird....... but it ROCKS MY SOCKS!!!!

Btw... there is something wrong with November and December... soo many birthdays... =\ yesterday was my primary school friend's b'day... today is Mun Mun's... tomorrow is my sister's and pricilla's b'day.... =\ Lets count back 9 months from December ^^....

  1. December,
  2. November,
  3. October,
  4. September,
  5. August,
  6. July,
  7. June,
  8. May,
  9. April

ITS APRIL!!! geeeez..... *shifty eyes*

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

make that 3 ppl on the 13th and another two on the 14th.

i'd make a (yet another) lame joke about april fool's day, but you know what? i think i'll spare you and your readers for today.

how generous of me.