Monday 18 December 2006

Finally Finished

Finally finished.... another thing in life accomplished... and im happy... enjoyed working... also dispised working... made new friends... and earnt myself some stuff that everyone wants ^^

no more waking up early to go to work till further notice ^^ and able to give my heel's a rest...11 hours a day for 5 days straight has done its toll on my heels... totally like stuffed them... i get breaks.... BUT i never use them ahahah i just go and walk around =P im smart ;) anyway.... hopefully i can start eating properly again...... just been like..... totally missing meals coz just not in the mood to eat... =\ *sigh* thats wat fast food does to u. Anyway... thats what has happened to me recently... oh yea... also... to be honest... last day was the crappest of them all... firstly our kick ass supervisor was not here today.... and another cranky man came and started bossing us around... and also... i had to clean out the "Sh*t water" from the caravan.... pretty sick :) smells like malaysia HAHAHAH no offence of cause... but still enjoyable.... anything is good when ur with friends...... u can be in the crappest position.... and still enjoy urself with friend... well i just dont take anything seriously.... thats y i seem to be like an idiot HAHAH anyway.... REALLY sleepy.... hopefully nothing disturbs me hahaha ^^ and hopefully one my friends can cheer up ^^; haahha and didnt mean to be soo mean, just influenced thats all

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