Sunday 24 December 2006

Proud of Myself

OMG!!! i dont believe it!!! my computer's USB ports stuffed up... and i couldnt plug anything into them, meaning.... NO MOUSE, NO CAMERA and NO WEBCAM!!!

Anyway... i finally got fed up without having a mouse and webcam that i decided to format my computer... kinda delayed it for a day or two and then.... finally everyone was wiped off... excited moment when the installation was finally finished... then to find out that the cd's i was given were not working... man... i was getting stressed out... not like i wasnt stressed enough...

Late last night when my bro came home... he started yelling at me saying how stupid i am... as i was using the cd's for my BRO's comp >.< i was like..... "OH no wonder nothing worked!!"

Anyway at this point... the stupid USB ports werent working... soooo i found there was a cd that installs all the devices... and that took like an hour to install... then once again... became excited as the installation was completed.... yet again.... "USB device not recognized" i was getting seriously stressed out... this was at around 12.30 in the morning.... and i havent had enough sleep... sooo i decided to sleep on it.... but i was only to be awaken by noises that were coming downstairs...i knew my uncle, aunty and dad were playing Mahjong downstairs when i went to sleep but... my gosh... 4am in the morning still slamming the things on the table sooo loud that EVERYONE can hear it.... couldnt get back to sleep for an HOUR!!! how gay is that....

Woke up at 9 from the slamming Mahjong bricks... anyway.... decided to try again... maybe search up on the net... first thing i see, "install the Windows Service Pack"...BUT!!! i had to have a valid version of Windows XP Professional, which i did but my stupid code didnt work... man this point i was sooo pissed... sooo i rang up the people and they gave me another code thingo... and my validation was completed... Anyway spent the whole morning installing the Service Pack and.... was also installing important programs... (heheeh msn) then i saw another site that has a topic on the exact same thing that is screwing up my computer... and all i had to do was... SOOOOOO SIMPLE!!! i couldnt believe my eyes... all i had to do was... "shut down... turn off all the power... and then start up again" only problem was... i had to wait for the stupid Service Pack to download... FINALLY it finished.... and first thing i did... SHUT DOWN!! TURN OFF ALL POWER SUPPLY TO IT (including taking out the battery) then wait a few mins... then start up again... and.... WALAH!!! like magic... it was able to detect everything again... *sigh* that was a relief for me.... now i have a formatted computer... with everything working again... i just need to build up my emoticons again *sigh* all them are gone....

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