Thursday 7 December 2006

Updated FINALLY!!!

Finally gonna update... lol

firstly.. many things has happened to me..... got offered the scholarship to go to curtin which im proud of but its gonna be a challenge to keep lol... i need to keep 70% average on the asian studies bit... and 60% overall of asian studies and commerce... lol (PS. to all you people that think im a nerd.. and got this academically?? YOUR WRONG!!!! *sigh* it was just an essay in ENGLISH and if they wanted you.... you go for an interview.... and... thats it!! nothing to do with academic stuff)

Anyway.... later news.... ICE SKATING!!!! my gosh... the longest ice skating session ever recorded!!! (well by me) 10am - 3pm how ownage is that??? anyway... kinda got lost at first was driving around for quite a while until decided to look at the map PROPERLY!!! and eventually found it.... ^^; well... first up is ok... trying to skate backwards.... *shifty eyes* *ahem* Well it turned out that MANY people were skating already (mainly primary school kids).... ice was very smooth... almost not even able to skate... Well after meeting up with friends... they announced that they would play a game of tag!! my gosh how funny was this... anyway... zahin and i were owning.. until he got caught... and i was still in (HAHAHA yes i owned his ass) but.. next round... of course... he would target me.... well i avoided him... then he tagged me when i wasnt looking and i kinda slipped backwards because i wasnt ready for it and.... received 2 "Battle Scars" *ahem* anyway.... after SOME PEOPLE!! laughed at me...... No names mentioned!!!! got up and started skating again...

Blah blah blah more skating...

Scarecrow... (i think thats how u say it) was totally retarded... just weird.......

Blah blah blah more skating.... (again being an Rtard trying to skate backwards)

Limbo!!! lol... i was ownage again.... of course... *shifty eyes* whooped zahin's ass... and also whooped steph's ass too.. Lol but... weird.. they kept putting it up.. o.O i always thought limbo your meant to go lower.. lol.... anyway..... didnt win... dont care.... came like 3rd or 4th... and no im not trying to show off..... *shakes head*

Blah blah blah more skating.....

Tag AGAIN!!! *sigh* this was ownage... i was one of the few that remained.... but.... shyt at the same time... received 2 more battle scars...!!! well... after everyone was caught..... u know how there is always a pro skater??? well... the announcer said... for everyone to gang up on "Simone" (her name of course) coz if she made it to the other side should would get a free drink... Lol... anyway..... she was skating skating skating... then i was approaching her... then... *WHAM* another person made her fall making her skid along the ice... and guess who happened to be DIRECTLY!!!! in front of her? *TADA!!!* ME!!!! (accident prone) anyway the next scenario may be exaggerated..... my legs flew in the air face first onto the ice... chin = bleeding... forearm = indescribable (just looked really weird) well it was ok.... because didnt really hurt after (maybe because it was freezing cold??)

Anyway... ended the day with ice fight...... =.= some person.... NO NAMES MENTIONED AGAIN!!! kept putting ice in my shirt which went down my pants.... and... also.... put ice in my POCKET!!!! made it look like i was leaking... o.O got them back.... *evil eyes*

Ended up with 2 BIG blisters, 4 battle scars, 2 aching wrists but..... was all good.... i had fun.... didnt care.. but... it was fun...

If you wanna know how the Kylie Concert went... it kinda sucked..... =.= the person didnt write my name down again... sooooo i had to wait for a stupid person to not turn up.... *sigh*... ended up working behind the stage... and... was able to see NOTHING AT ALL!!! just became DEAF!!! music wasnt even that good... was too big the Burswood Dome... the sound just reverberated around and sounded like crap..... and you could hear the echo..... bass just kept vibrating the roof above me... and was hell scared that it would fall on me....... *sigh* anyway..... only saw her like once?? o.O how gay is that??? when i was ditching away boxes i saw her once..... *sigh* happens to me everytime.... EVEN WHEN I FREAKING CONFIRMED!!!! anyway..... i dont really care.... today was fun..... hehehehe

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey, congrats for the scholarship! :)

wow. you've going to have so much fun in your third (second?) or so year - you get a chance to complete a semester or a year of your course in japan (a country of your choice). i think.

anyway, if you have managed to convince them that you can do more than just string two English sentences together in the essay and prove (ahem) that you're not a moron in the interview, i'm sure you'll do fine - after all, the uni representatives have faith in you!




all the best! :)