Tuesday 29 December 2009

Shopping; Man's Worst Invention

I don't know about you but I think that shopping is the worst thing ever invented by man. It involves walking and being bombarded with a lot of irrelevant information. Totally unnecessary. Just today, I decided to FINALLY search for some shoes as my previous shoes were pretty much demolished. I had in my mind that this will take maximum of 15 minutes. I pretty much was looking for parking for a bout 40 minutes. Fair enough, it's post Christmas sales, so I'll let that pass. Interesting to see the catfights performed by cars in the parking lot :P

So anyway, 40 minutes of my life, wasted. Went looking for the shoe shops. What did I find? Nothing. Nothing that interested me or looked cool enough for me to buy and if they were cool enough for me to buy, it was for a ridiculous price. I was just looking for shoes like my previous shoes, but no, they didn't have any. I ended up walking around the whole of Garden City looking for shoes. I tried, Betts first, Myer, Zu, Colorado? (I think that's what it's called) and David Jones. All had nothing. I just ended up running back to Betts and buying something that looked comfortable. Mind you, each step I took pretty much ripped my previous shoes a bit more. Anyway, the only shoes that seemed decent were these.

Look at these photos in sequence and tell me what you think.

These are the shoes I bought

This is how much they cost

This is how much money I had in my wallet at the time

Yellow is $50, Blue is $10, Pinkish Purplish is $5. If you can count correctly, my shoes cost $76.99 and the amount of money I had in my wallet = $76.75
I don't know about you but I found this hilarious and frustrating at the same time. I actually laughed and the lady at the counter looked at me funny.
Great day for shopping :)

adios amigos


Unknown said...

Betts is expensive though :P im assuming you got no discount? :O but yes i totally agree...shopping is awful!

Vanessa said...

I think that's fate.

mattypoo said...

wow you are HELL nice!