Wednesday 17 June 2009

Interesting Facts About Slugs

This is an interest fact about slugs... THEIR PENIS CAN GLOW NEON BLUE

Here is proof!

Enjoy ;)

adios amigos


Kirsty said...

OMG you too are currently into slugs???? lol
Dreamt that I was eating slugs for dinner the other night --."
They were still alive, WTF

mattypoo said...

LOL! I'm not into slugs XD
I just randomly saw a drawn picture of "slug love" and I thought it was pretty cute. So I showed a friend, and they randomly searched "slugs mating" into google and showed me this video LOL!

Jovina said...

Euwwwwww Mattyyy

Anitra said...

iv read this post quite a few times and i always read it as interesting!...oh so blind :( anyway its not like u care anyway :P