Sunday 24 May 2009


Wondering, if I should get a laptop? Dad is offering to get me a laptop so I can do work. I need to take some time to figure out the 'pros' and 'cons'

- It would be awesome!
- More freedom
- Won't have to WAIT for a computer at Uni anymore
- Some more but I can't think of them at the moment

- Would feel guilty for spending so much money
- Will get distracted... FOR SURE!
- Leaves the opportunity for thieves
- Some more but I can't think of them at the moment

Yay, help me come to a conclusion :D

adios amigos


MadHatter said...

pros > cons man. ur dad wouldn't offer if he thought it were a waste of money. waiting for a computer at uni wastes time and time = money. get one :) said...

if you get a decent laptop, it is sure worth the money. lol. plus u get more privacy instead of sharing a comp with someone else.

get a macbook PROO. LO


Stefilicious said...

get a laptop dude.

end of story.

mattypoo said...

LOL Get a laptop?
Maybe next sem then :P

You guys are sooo hi-tech now :P

and no channy, I won't get a macbook pro! XP because I don't know how to use them at all! :P
I'm not willing to learn either :P