One thing I am destined to do, is to go and study abroad somewhere. At the moment, my eyes are set on studying in Japan. Yes, very typical of an asian to go and want to go to Japan, but I think my reasons are quite reasonable. I'm not going to write them here, just in case you steal my ideas! I joke, but I won't bore you with reasons why I want to go on exchange :)
Managed to get some Japanese done, and felt that I was able to go for my accounting lecture :) yay! Accounting! It was great, walking with Farren, giving her crap for snobbing me the day before and her finally admitting that she saw me. For some reason I made her feel really bad, but I didn't say anything, just "I KNOW you saw me yesterday". But accounting was fun :) OMG I sat behind a lovely girl named, Audelle :) Even though I don't see her much, she is one of the most happy people I know :) She shall never fail to brighten my day with her smile.
Another two bubbly friends.
Names: Viv and Callie
Crime: Hyperactivity, smiling every minute of the day and for Viv, head shaking action with her eyes looking up
I keep bumping into these two in uni, literally.
First of all, Viv. She has always given me the evils, always have made fun of my stupidity and always comments on how I am sick of Rossy and Applecross people. She can be extremely annoying at times. She is bugging me right now! But besides this, she is very supportive of things you have a passion for, which makes her unique. She knows how to dance, and how to be tall. I advise to every who meets her for the first time, this is the best pick up line for her. "Hey, you are REALLY tall!"
Secondly, Callie. As I promised to her, this section will be dedicated JUST to Callie.
Callie Callie Callie Callie Callie Callie Callie Callie Callie Callie Callie Callie Callie Callie Callie Callie Callie Callie Callie Callie Callie Callie Callie Callie Callie Callie Callie Callie Callie Callie Callie Callie Callie Callie Callie Callie Callie Callie Callie Callie Callie Callie Callie Callie Callie Callie Callie Callie
She is so happy all the time. I have NEVER seen her emo, depressed or relying on someone else. She wears these awesome big sunnies, and says "Matt I like your hair :)". She even tells me to take off a witch hat because she didn't want my hair to get ruined. She spent $64.95 on wood today just for her project. And she knows where I live... which is a bit scary :)
I FOUND MY HEADPHONES TODAY! They were under my bed!