Monday 20 November 2006

What is the reason for dreams?

Question i put forward to you all... Why do we dream?? issit just our imagination going wild while we sleep? or is there a purpose to them??

I just had a weird dream last night and all started like this (i might not be able to remember the whole thing, there are bits before this but i cant remember them fully) I just had a dream that me and a bunch of friends were hiding from somethin just off the shore somewhere and my friend was telling us to stay quiet so we can do some surprise attack on those people (sounds retarded already lol) but i kept accidently making noise. He asked me to keep quiet 3 times but each time i made some noise until they heard us (i didnt mean to... i couldnt help it) and then.... i think i totally missed out the fighting action but then i was fighting like 3 girls... then they dunked me under... and for some reason they were drowning.... o.o even tho they pushed me under and blood was coming from their nose o.o so i saved them and then they turned to our side... then the mastermind of the bad guys like gave up and (hahah this bit is the most retardedest bit i reckon) said " hate me" LOL and all those people i dont recognise their faces...

Well that was only part of my dream that i could remember... all my other dreams before were really scarey that made me wake up...Its just amazing how dreams can feel soooooo real... Well this was a pretty pointless blog entry lol but...i wonder people think of dreams and why we have them....


Anonymous said...

hahahaha! wow, i've finally found someone who has more retarded dreams than me. :)

kidding. my dreams are still weirder than yours.

anyway, yeah, sometimes, the dreams feel so real you wonder whether the people in your dream are also dreaming the same dream... unfortunatly and fortunately, they don't. :)

(can you imagine the nightmare of dreaming someone else's wet dream of you - someone who is not physically appealing (to you)?!)

have you ever felt those moments inbetween dreaming where you think you are awake but when you wake up, you don't know whether you dreamt it or it was actually real? or when you think you did something like setting your alarm clock but only to wake up LATE realising that you dreamt that you had set your alarm clock. or when you hear something only to wake up with the thought 'did i really hear that?' and have that curiousity plague your mind during your last tee exam.

i told you my dreams are retarded. and that's not even one of my retarded dreams... the least of them.

anyway, i think i should shut up now before i scare any more of your readers away.

adios. :)

mattypoo said...

Hahaha!! nice sarah.... that is the most intersting comment i have received ever!! lol... yes i actually do feel the same thing as u... which is scarey.... and... ummm... nice to mention wet dreams.... o.O

Anyway... we should all be like Max in the movie "Sharkboy and Lavagirl" (yes i have watched it... and it is very funny in a lame way) and keep a journal of our dreams ^^

Anonymous said...

rofl sarah STFU or just get a blog! hahahah

yeah dreams are really weird should look up the meaning of them, cos sometimes they seem pretty accurate. anyway i had a dream that mr wieman was chasing after a few of my friends with a chainsaw. on the day of the discrete exam too (he teaches discrete). and on SE7EN's bday i dreamed that he came to rossy :D and didn't even know it was his bday then either ;)

Anonymous said...

matt: yes, it is quite scary to think/feel/dream the same way as sarah, eh? :)

and of course, it's always nice to mention wet dreams. even nicer to dream them ;) heh.

and omg, i can't believe you watched that movie. :| hahaha. :P

mei: you're the one who chose to read it. :) doesn't it feel good to have power over someone's decisions? ;)

and what else happened to se7en when he came to rossy, mei? you didn't tell the good part! boo. ;)