Saturday 18 November 2006

First Blog from Blogger LoL

Wah start fresh... So hard deciding between myspace and blogger.... Reason y i chose blogger was, it looks nicer... lol what a weird reason to choose blogger....=P

Anyway... Tues is my final exam... then i can finally join you ppl that have finished... i just wonder what lies before me after TEE is over... hopefully not many ppl go to leavers as 'some people' arent allowed to go. Well i'll find something to do ^^

Well let me all suggest to you all of my first japanese drama that i watched (currently still watching). It is called "Stand Up!!" and is about four boys that are really hum sup but they are like the only virgins in their school or something. And then they swear not to lose their virginity till they get married... Then along comes one of their childhood friends called Chie, my gosh... she has like the biggest eyes a japanese person could have!! Anyway... she has a crush on the main character Shouhei who actually likes his teacher.... (its pretty screwed up i reckon). Well i wont spoil it anymore... if you would like to watch it... go to and search up "Stand Up ep1" and should be in a few parts.... watch it and enjoy ;)

I guess you could post comments on what you think...

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