Saturday 14 February 2009

Perth Drivers Suck?

Happy Valentines Day to everyone out there with a date :) and Happy S.A.D day to the rest :) aka. Singles Awareness Day! WOOO! I reckon, this day is full of joy and also there's a chance where it is full of sadness :) why am I smiling?

Anyway, I am probably going to spend this year's Valentines Day at home. I'm still happy with that. I am able to enjoy the day with friends :)

But yes, as most would know, I'm not really a fan of lovey dovey stuff unless it involves me LOL (I joke) but I give allowance to this sort of thing on this day :) So ENJOY IT WHILE YOU CAN before I start shunning people again! LOL

Another thing happening at the moment, does anyone have any GOOD news? I've been bombarded with all these stories and they just seem so depressing. Fair enough, I'm willing to help, but when a conversation is always depressing, it's quite off putting. Just to get the record straight, I'm still willing to help people :)

One last thing (I think), I have come to conclusion that people who drive a car, in this day and age, TOTALLY SUCK! Ok I might not be the best driver in the world, but I can say that there are whole lot more people who are worse than me!

1. A 80km per hour zone is NOT and I repeat NOT a 100km per hour zone.

There are just far too many people who are on the freeway who drive so close to my ass when I'm clearly going 85km per hour already! Just because you are at my ass doesn't mean I'm going to go faster. If anything, I'll go slower so you get pissed off and crash!

2. A 100km per hour zone is NOT a 80km per hour zone.

WTF right!?!?!?! For real, you drivers are idiots. First you are pestering me to go faster aka. speed over the limit, then when it goes 100km, I just speed past all you losers! It's just... umm how can I put this? STUPID!

3. Drivers do not know how to merge lanes properly.

Far too many people come to a halt when merging lanes. Obviously, you either speed up or slow down. If the car in front of you is a slow ass, then you will have to slow too, but don't slow to the point where 50 billion cars can go in front of you.

4. We have imdicators for a reason.

I don't give a crap if no one is around you, go ahead don't use your indicator, but do you wish cars to crash into you or get hell pissed at you when you obviously want to turn but your indicator isn't on. You are just going to cause confusion and a crash is going to occur. (This isn't a big issue, but I just have noticed it)

5. Get the *BEEP* away from my car's ass

GET LOST! SERIOUSLY! The closer you come, the slower I go. Come closer and I will scare the crap out of you. Not being sexist or anything, but the main problem here are those stupid agressive young female drivers who think they are hot shit in their small cars, which they think are cute. Grow up?

There are a few more but they just dont come to mind.
Besides the rantings :) I hope people had a great day!
Please do leave comments on what you did for Valentines Day :)
If you leave comments, I will be happy LOL

adios amigos

1 comment:

Noelle Tay said...

I'm a week late to comment but yes I agree with your blog. I drive a massive car so I must not be one of those young female drivers who think they are hot shit :) woooo