Monday 5 January 2009

*Pop* Goes the Tire

Many things can happen in two days. I splashed around in water AGAIN! Making it 4 times playing with water in one week. And we watched Tropic Thunder. I believe it was funny, but I think I'll have to watch it again due to the lake of consciousness while watching it, meaning, I was relatively tired.

Sunday was interesting, I managed to drive down to Atwell to take some portrait photos of a model. It was interesting to see the preparation to the final product. This included make up and hairstyling. I actually wouldn't be surprised if models did feel a bit strange wearing the make up on a night out. My photos didn't turn out the best, but a few I reckon are worth looking at. I won't post them up just yet, so don't get too eager :P

One thing I find really stupid is, one week before you are off your P's, you FINALLY figure out how to put the sticky P plates on the car. HOW LAME! They are so cool too! Oh well, I can only drive 7 more days till my P's are off, then say bye bye to them :)

One last thing, my relatives are off to Malaysia again, so, once again the house will be quieter >.< it was relatively fun :)

Stupid screw in the tire!


Anonymous said...

how DO you put the sticky P plates on the car.. . . ?

mattypoo said...

Shush! LOL!
There was a plastic protective thingo on it and I didn't take it off until yesterday! LOL!